Amelanders - Ontdek uw Amelander voorouders

Grafsteen Pieter Wiebenga (1909-1978) en Dorothy Rowbottom (1908-1987)

Pieter WiebengaAge: 69 years19091978

Pieter Wiebenga
Given names
Birth January 11, 1909 30 31
Note: Aangever Samuel Cappel, arts. De vader, zeeman, is afwezig.
Death of a maternal grandmotherTjitke Oekes Metz
July 1, 1909 (Age 5 months)
Birth of a sisterLevenloos meisje Wiebenga
May 28, 1911 (Age 2 years)
Death of a sisterLevenloos meisje Wiebenga
May 28, 1911 (Age 2 years)
Note: Aangevers Hendrik Tieman en Geert Blom (arbeiders), beiden wonende te Nes, Ameland. Uit de akte blijkt niet of de vader, zeeman, aanwezig was bij de geboorte.
Birth of a sisterTheodora Wiebenga
March 3, 1913 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherBarend Wiebenga
May 4, 1915 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterCatharina Wiebenga
March 11, 1918 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterAgatha Wiebenga
October 11, 1920 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAntje Barends Zwart
March 24, 1923 (Age 14 years)
Civil marriageJohanna Maria SteffensView this family
July 19, 1933 (Age 24 years)
Death of a sisterAgatha Wiebenga
January 17, 1947 (Age 38 years)
Death of a fatherBarend Wiebenga
November 29, 1950 (Age 41 years)
Emigration April 15, 1955 (Age 46 years)
Death of a motherCatharina “Christine” Boelens
October 30, 1966 (Age 57 years)
Death of a sisterJacoba Jannette “Coba” Wiebenga
after May 22, 1970 (Age 61 years)

Death of a wifeJohanna Maria Steffens
September 17, 1974 (Age 65 years)
Note: Johanna died while on holidays in Warwick, Queensland, Australia. Her body was recovered back to Frankston, Victoria, Australia for burial.
Burial of a wifeJohanna Maria Steffens
September 23, 1974 (Age 65 years)
Frankston, Victoria, Australië
Latitude: S380800 Longitude: E1450700

Address: Frankston Cemetery
Religion: Roman Catholic
Religious marriageDorothy Emily EtheridgeView this family
1977 (Age 67 years)
Note: Dorothy was eerder (in Engeland) gehuwd geweest met Alfred Watson en vervolgens met William Rowbotham.
Death May 26, 1978 (Age 69 years)
Burial May 29, 1978 (3 days after death)
Address: Frankston Cemetery
Religion: Roman Catholic
Note: Pieter is not buried with his first wife Johanna Maria.
Last change April 1, 202016:33:56

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 25, 1902Ameland
4 months
elder sister
20 months
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
14 months
2 years
younger sister
Levenloos meisje Wiebenga
Birth: May 28, 1911 33 34Nes, Ameland
Death: May 28, 1911Nes, Ameland
21 months
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Catharina Wiebenga
Birth: March 11, 1918 39 40Amsterdam
Death: September 27, 2010Amstelveen
3 years
younger sister
Agatha Wiebenga
Birth: October 11, 1920 42 43Amsterdam
Death: January 17, 1947Amsterdam (wonend in Rotterdam)
Family with Johanna Maria Steffens - View this family
Johanna Maria Steffens
Birth: August 21, 1907Amsterdam
Death: September 17, 1974Warwick, Queensland, Australië
Marriage: July 19, 1933Amsterdam
Family with Dorothy Emily Etheridge - View this family
Grafsteen Pieter Wiebenga (1909-1978) en Dorothy Rowbottom (1908-1987)Dorothy Emily Etheridge
Birth: April 2, 1908Horley, Surrey, Engeland
Death: January 2, 1987Frankston, Australië
Marriage: 1977Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia


Aangever Samuel Cappel, arts. De vader, zeeman, is afwezig.


Dorothy was eerder (in Engeland) gehuwd geweest met Alfred Watson en vervolgens met William Rowbotham.


Pieter is not buried with his first wife Johanna Maria.

MarriageAnglican Church of St. James the Less in Mount Eliza, AustraliëAnglican Church of St. James the Less in Mount Eliza, Australië
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 800 × 512 pixels
File size: 123 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectGrafsteen Pieter Wiebenga (1909-1978) en Dorothy Rowbottom (1908-1987)Grafsteen Pieter Wiebenga (1909-1978) en Dorothy Rowbottom (1908-1987)Grafsteen Pieter Wiebenga (1909-1978) en Dorothy Rowbottom (1908-1987)
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,050 × 788 pixels
File size: 253 KB
Type: Photo
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