Amelanders - Ontdek uw Amelander voorouders

Johannes Petrus DietersAge: 16 years18711888

Johannes Petrus Dieters
Birth May 15, 1871 42 43
Death of a brotherHendrikus Clemens Dieters
April 3, 1874 (Age 2 years)
Death of a sisterIgnatia Maria Dieters
May 30, 1874 (Age 3 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherIgnatia Pieters “IJeke” Beijaard
August 11, 187423:00 (Age 3 years)
Address: Huis nummer 6
Death of a sisterMargaretha Catharina Dieters
October 4, 1874 (Age 3 years)
Death of a motherIgnatia Hendriks “Ieke” Mosterman
January 25, 1881 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a half-sisterPetronella Catharina “Cato” Dieters
September 13, 1883 (Age 12 years)
Note: Gewettigd bij het huwelijk van haar ouders op 22 december 1888.
Death of a brotherWilhelmus Andreas Dieters
December 7, 1884 (Age 13 years)
Death February 12, 1888 (Age 16 years)
Record ID number

Last change February 8, 202218:42:32

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 17, 1857Ameland
2 years
elder brother
Wilhelmus Antonius Dieters
Birth: January 1, 1860 30 31Buren, Ameland
Death: May 2, 1864Buren, Ameland
22 months
elder sister
Ignatia Maria Dieters
Birth: October 18, 1861 32 33Buren, Ameland
Death: May 30, 1874Buren, Ameland
3 years
elder brother
Wilhelmus Andreas Dieters
Birth: February 20, 1865 36 36Buren, Ameland
Death: December 7, 1884Buren, Ameland
elder brother
Hendrikus Clemens Dieters
Birth: February 20, 1865 36 36Buren, Ameland
Death: April 3, 1874Buren, Ameland
3 years
elder sister
Margaretha Catharina Dieters
Birth: October 3, 1867 38 39Buren, Ameland
Death: October 4, 1874Buren, Ameland
4 years
Johannes Petrus Dieters
Birth: May 15, 1871 42 43Buren, Ameland
Death: February 12, 1888Buren, Ameland
Father’s family with IJeke Geerts Brouwer - View this family
Marriage: December 22, 1888Ameland
-5 years
5 years
2 years
21 months
16 months
Gerhardus Hendrikus Dieters
Birth: July 11, 1894 65 40Buren, Ameland
Death: September 2, 1961Roosendaal
3 years
Johannes Halbanus Antonius Dieters
Birth: April 8, 1897 68 42Buren, Ameland
Death: January 23, 1898Buren, Ameland