Catharina “Tine” de BoerAge: 87 years1929–2016
- Name
- Catharina “Tine” de Boer
- Given names
- Catharina
- Surname
- de Boer
- Nickname
- Tine
Birth | February 4, 1929 32 33 |
Marriage | Pieter Mars — View this family yes |
Birth of a brother | Cornelis “Cor” de Boer July 7, 1932 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a brother | Hendrik “Henk” de Boer September 2, 1935 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a brother | Theo Paul de Boer December 27, 1937 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Jan de Vries September 3, 1942 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a brother | Willem Cornelis de Boer January 27, 1962 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a mother | Trijntje de Vries December 9, 1966 (Age 37 years) |
Burial of a mother | Trijntje de Vries December 13, 1966 (Age 37 years) Religion: Geref. |
Death of a sister | Martha de Boer August 19, 1975 (Age 46 years) Cause: Ten gevolge van een ongeval |
Death of a father | Barend de Boer September 22, 1976 (Age 47 years) |
Burial of a father | Barend de Boer September 25, 1976 (Age 47 years) Religion: Geref. |
Death of a brother | Cornelis “Cor” de Boer March 17, 1986 (Age 57 years) |
Death of a brother | Jan de Boer October 6, 1996 (Age 67 years) |
Death of a brother | Barend de Boer June 4, 1999 (Age 70 years) |
Death of a husband | Pieter Mars February 25, 2000 (Age 71 years) |
Death of a sister | Anna de Boer June 17, 2011 (Age 82 years) |
Death of a brother | Hendrik “Henk” de Boer October 12, 2011 (Age 82 years) |
Death of a brother | Theo Paul de Boer March 8, 2012 (Age 83 years) |
Death | May 3, 2016 (Age 87 years) |
Last change | April 7, 2020 – 20:26:10 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Barend de Boer Birth: June 3, 1896 53 40 — Hollum Death: September 22, 1976 — Wormerveer |
mother |
Trijntje de Vries Birth: September 16, 1895 29 31 — Hollum Death: December 9, 1966 — Wormerveer |
elder sister |
Anna de Boer Birth: September 1, 1918 22 22 — Hollum Death: June 17, 2011 — Wormerveer |
2 years elder sister |
Martha de Boer Birth: November 24, 1920 24 25 — Hollum Death: August 19, 1975 — IJmuiden |
3 years elder brother |
Willem Cornelis de Boer Birth: December 22, 1923 27 28 — Hollum Death: January 27, 1962 — Wormerveer |
19 months elder brother |
Jan de Boer Birth: July 27, 1925 29 29 — Hollum Death: October 6, 1996 — Wormerveer |
20 months elder brother |
Barend de Boer Birth: March 16, 1927 30 31 — Wormerveer Death: June 4, 1999 — Krommenie |
23 months herself |
Catharina “Tine” de Boer Birth: February 4, 1929 32 33 — Hollum Death: May 3, 2016 — Krommenie |
3 years younger brother |
Cornelis “Cor” de Boer Birth: July 7, 1932 36 36 — Hollum Death: March 17, 1986 |
3 years younger brother |
Hendrik “Henk” de Boer Birth: September 2, 1935 39 39 — Wormerveer Death: October 12, 2011 — Wormerveer |
2 years younger brother |
Theo Paul de Boer Birth: December 27, 1937 41 42 — Wormerveer Death: March 8, 2012 — Upper Coomera, Australïë |
sister |
Private |
Family with Pieter Mars |
husband |
Pieter Mars Birth: November 18, 1927 Death: February 25, 2000 — Krommenie |
herself |
Catharina “Tine” de Boer Birth: February 4, 1929 32 33 — Hollum Death: May 3, 2016 — Krommenie |
Marriage: — |