Amelanders - Ontdek uw Amelander voorouders

Klaaske NobelAge: 97 years19032000

Klaaske Nobel
Given names
Birth February 1, 1903 36 37
Birth of a sisterAaltje Nobel
October 2, 1906 (Age 3 years)
Death of a brotherKersje Nobel
April 20, 1909 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherKlaaske Hendriks Sparrius
August 6, 1917 (Age 14 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAntje Jans de Boer
December 10, 1928 (Age 25 years)
Death of a motherAntje Spleet
July 31, 1937 (Age 34 years)
Death of a fatherHendrik Nobel
June 17, 1950 (Age 47 years)
Death of a brotherReimer Nobel
February 28, 1955 (Age 52 years)
Cause: Gevolgen van een auto-ongeval
Note: Reimer reed op de Velserweg tegen een boom en overleed in het Wilhelminagasthuis aan zijn verwondingen
Death of a brotherJacob Nobel
November 13, 1972 (Age 69 years)
Death of a brotherArjen Nobel
November 18, 1980 (Age 77 years)
Note: Vermoedelijk ongehuwd gebleven
Death of a sisterAnna Nobel
May 9, 1987 (Age 84 years)
Death March 18, 2000 (Age 97 years)
Note: Vermoedelijk ongehuwd
Last change March 10, 201910:55:53

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 13, 1891Ameland
5 months
elder brother
Kersje Nobel
Birth: January 25, 1892 25 26Ballum
Death: April 20, 1909Ballum
22 months
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
Arjen Nobel
Birth: August 16, 1896 29 30Hollum
Death: November 18, 1980Londen, Engeland
22 months
elder brother
18 months
elder brother
3 years
Klaaske Nobel
Birth: February 1, 1903 36 37Ballum
Death: March 18, 2000Ballum
4 years
younger sister


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