Fopke de BoerAge: 77 years1904–1981
- Name
- Fopke de Boer
- Given names
- Fopke
- Surname
- de Boer
Birth | February 4, 1904 29 25 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Jacob Ones de Boer December 19, 1905 (Age 22 months) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Fopke Jans IJnsen February 14, 1924 (Age 20 years) |
Civil marriage | Thomas Klip — View this family November 28, 1929 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a child #1 | Levenloos kindje Klip June 29, 1938 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a child | Levenloos kindje Klip June 29, 1938 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Johanna Klip February 19, 1941 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a father | Hendrik de Boer February 3, 1943 (Age 38 years) |
Death of a daughter | Johanna Klip September 10, 1943 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a husband | Thomas Klip November 23, 1950 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a mother | Johanna de Leeuw August 27, 1965 (Age 61 years) |
Death | March 13, 1981 (Age 77 years) |
Last change | March 10, 2019 – 10:55:54 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Hendrik de Boer Birth: December 14, 1874 35 41 — Ballum Death: February 3, 1943 — Ballum |
mother |
Johanna de Leeuw Birth: August 26, 1878 42 40 — Hollum Death: August 27, 1965 — Hollum |
Marriage: April 20, 1899 — Ameland |
11 months elder brother |
Jacobus de Boer Birth: March 16, 1900 25 21 — Ballum Death: June 26, 1900 — Ballum |
16 months elder brother |
Dirk de Boer Birth: July 16, 1901 26 22 — Ballum Death: April 2, 1983 — Hollum |
18 months elder sister |
Jantje de Boer Birth: January 13, 1903 28 24 — Ballum Death: October 3, 1993 — Hollum |
13 months herself |
Fopke de Boer Birth: February 4, 1904 29 25 — Ballum Death: March 13, 1981 — Ballum |
Family with Thomas Klip |
husband |
Thomas Klip Birth: September 19, 1902 31 27 — Ballum Death: November 23, 1950 — Ballum |
herself |
Fopke de Boer Birth: February 4, 1904 29 25 — Ballum Death: March 13, 1981 — Ballum |
Marriage: November 28, 1929 — Ameland |
9 years child |
Levenloos kindje Klip Birth: June 29, 1938 35 34 — Ballum Death: June 29, 1938 — Ballum |
3 years daughter |
Johanna Klip Birth: February 19, 1941 38 37 — Ballum Death: September 10, 1943 — Ballum |