Willem Frederik WallrothAge: 71 years1889–1961
- Name
- Willem Frederik Wallroth
- Given names
- Willem Frederik
- Surname
- Wallroth
Birth | September 5, 1889 27 25 |
Birth of a sister | Hendrika Wilhelmina Wallroth September 5, 1889 |
Birth of a sister | Engelina Wallroth May 30, 1891 (Age 20 months) |
Birth of a sister | Rinske Wallroth October 30, 1893 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Willem Frederik Wallroth October 30, 1893 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a sister | Rinske Wallroth January 9, 1894 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a brother | Willem Frederik Wallroth May 19, 1894 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Sietse Wallroth January 26, 1895 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a sister | Rinske Wallroth October 8, 1896 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Johan Hendrik Willem Wallroth July 21, 1900 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a brother | Abraham Wallroth October 6, 1901 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a brother | Lolke Wallroth December 19, 1903 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Engeltje Lolles Borsch January 12, 1909 (Age 19 years) |
Civil marriage | Margaretha Maria Johanna Kallenbach — View this family May 26, 1915 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a mother | Rinske de Vries September 24, 1928 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a father | Willem Frederik Wallroth April 6, 1931 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a brother | Sietse Wallroth October 19, 1958 (Age 69 years) |
Occupation | Vuurstoker |
Death | May 8, 1961 (Age 71 years) |
Last change | April 29, 2019 – 12:27:34 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Willem Frederik Wallroth Birth: September 11, 1861 — Amsterdam Death: April 6, 1931 — Amsterdam |
mother |
Rinske de Vries Birth: November 1, 1863 44 39 — Hollum Death: September 24, 1928 — Amsterdam |
Marriage: November 8, 1888 — Amsterdam |
10 months himself |
Willem Frederik Wallroth Birth: September 5, 1889 27 25 — Amsterdam Death: May 8, 1961 — Amsterdam |
twin sister |
Hendrika Wilhelmina Wallroth Birth: September 5, 1889 27 25 — Amsterdam Death: August 18, 1966 — Blaricum |
21 months younger sister |
Engelina Wallroth Birth: May 30, 1891 29 27 — Amsterdam Death: January 20, 1966 — Amsterdam |
2 years younger sister |
Rinske Wallroth Birth: October 30, 1893 32 29 — Amsterdam Death: January 9, 1894 — Amsterdam |
younger brother |
Willem Frederik Wallroth Birth: October 30, 1893 32 29 — Amsterdam Death: May 19, 1894 — Amsterdam |
15 months younger brother |
Sietse Wallroth Birth: January 26, 1895 33 31 — Amsterdam Death: October 19, 1958 — Amsterdam |
20 months younger sister |
Rinske Wallroth Birth: October 8, 1896 35 32 — Amsterdam Death: October 20, 1975 — Amsterdam |
4 years younger brother |
Johan Hendrik Willem Wallroth Birth: July 21, 1900 38 36 — Amsterdam Death: |
15 months younger brother |
Abraham Wallroth Birth: October 6, 1901 40 37 — Amsterdam Death: June 9, 1964 — Amsterdam |
2 years younger brother |
Lolke Wallroth Birth: December 19, 1903 42 40 — Amsterdam Death: December 28, 1986 — Amsterdam |
Family with Margaretha Maria Johanna Kallenbach |
himself |
Willem Frederik Wallroth Birth: September 5, 1889 27 25 — Amsterdam Death: May 8, 1961 — Amsterdam |
wife |
Margaretha Maria Johanna Kallenbach Birth: July 13, 1891 — Amsterdam Death: |
Marriage: May 26, 1915 — Amsterdam |