Gerrit Cornelis VisserAge: 32 days1846–1846
- Name
- Gerrit Cornelis Visser
- Given names
- Gerrit Cornelis
- Surname
- Visser
Birth | June 5, 1846 25 28 |
Death | July 7, 1846 (Age 32 days) |
Last change | June 13, 2019 – 19:58:24 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Cornelis Gerrits Visser Birth: June 9, 1820 34 30 — Hollum Death: June 3, 1877 — Hollum |
mother |
Gerlofje Meinderts Kramer Birth: October 10, 1817 31 29 — Hollum Death: February 11, 1855 — Hollum |
Marriage: February 13, 1845 — Ameland |
16 months himself |
Gerrit Cornelis Visser Birth: June 5, 1846 25 28 — Hollum Death: July 7, 1846 — Hollum |
4 years younger brother |
Gerrit Cornelis Visser Birth: December 1, 1849 29 32 — Hollum Death: November 25, 1917 — Apeldoorn |
3 years younger brother |
Meindert Cornelis Visser Birth: August 31, 1852 32 34 — Hollum Death: July 30, 1853 — Hollum |
Father’s family with Meintje Meinderts Kramer |
father |
Cornelis Gerrits Visser Birth: June 9, 1820 34 30 — Hollum Death: June 3, 1877 — Hollum |
step-mother |
Meintje Meinderts Kramer Birth: January 20, 1826 39 38 — Hollum Death: January 11, 1865 — Hollum |
Marriage: April 10, 1856 — Ameland |
21 months half-brother |
Meindert Cornelis Visser Birth: January 16, 1858 37 31 — Hollum Death: February 6, 1929 — Hollum |
17 months half-sibling |
Jan Cornelis Visser Birth: June 7, 1859 38 33 — Hollum Death: March 22, 1908 — Hollum |
3 years half-brother |
Pieter Cornelis Visser Birth: July 9, 1862 42 36 — Hollum Death: January 23, 1865 — Hollum |
Father’s family with Grietje Sipkes Visser |
father |
Cornelis Gerrits Visser Birth: June 9, 1820 34 30 — Hollum Death: June 3, 1877 — Hollum |
step-mother |
Grietje Sipkes Visser Birth: August 10, 1833 22 22 — Hollum Death: July 15, 1880 — Hollum |
Marriage: January 8, 1874 — Ameland |