Wijtske Douwes SparriusAge: 2 years1846–1848
- Name
- Wijtske Douwes Sparrius
- Given names
- Wijtske Douwes
- Surname
- Sparrius
Birth | March 17, 1846 37 31 |
Birth of a brother | Klaas Douwes Sparrius February 26, 1848 (Age 23 months) |
Death | November 25, 1848 (Age 2 years) |
Record ID number | 24 |
Last change | October 7, 2019 – 11:00:04 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Douwe Antoons Sparrius Birth: October 6, 1808 41 35 — Ballum Death: February 16, 1866 — Ballum |
mother |
Hiltje Klazes van der Geest Birth: April 6, 1814 22 25 — Nes, Ameland Death: March 5, 1850 — Ballum |
Marriage: February 12, 1840 — Ameland |
2 months elder sister |
Antke Douwes Sparrius Birth: April 14, 1840 31 26 — Ballum Death: November 12, 1899 — Nes, Ameland |
18 months elder sister |
Sietske Douwes Sparrius Birth: October 26, 1841 33 27 — Ballum Death: March 27, 1874 — Ballum |
2 years elder brother |
Antoon Douwes Sparrius Birth: March 24, 1844 35 29 — Ballum Death: July 8, 1879 — Groningen |
2 years herself |
Wijtske Douwes Sparrius Birth: March 17, 1846 37 31 — Ballum Death: November 25, 1848 — Ballum |
23 months younger brother |
Klaas Douwes Sparrius Birth: February 26, 1848 39 33 — Ballum Death: February 6, 1941 — Amsterdam |
2 years younger sister |
Wijtske Douwes Sparrius Birth: February 26, 1850 41 35 — Ballum Death: April 8, 1889 — Amsterdam |