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Gertrude Kate Elisabeth WiebengaAge: 91 years19021993

Gertrude Kate Elisabeth Wiebenga
Given names
Gertrude Kate Elisabeth
Birth January 30, 1902 63 38
Death of a fatherPieter Gerkes Wiebenga
about August 1916 (Age 14 years)
Death of a brotherPeter Gurko Wiebenga
May 1917 (Age 15 years)
MarriageCyril PickardView this family
February 1923 (Age 21 years)
Death of a sisterLumina Wilhelmina Catherine Wiebenga
1976 (Age 73 years)
Death of a husbandCyril Pickard
May 1983 (Age 81 years)
Death August 1993 (Age 91 years)
Last change July 8, 201919:17:04

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1888Liverpool, Engeland
15 months
elder brother
Peter Gurko Wiebenga
Baptism: April 7, 1889 50 25St. Luke's, Liverpool, Engeland
Death: May 1917West Derby, Lancashire, Engeland
23 months
elder sister
Minna Katerina Wiebenga
Birth: February 1891 52 27Liverpool, Engeland
Death: February 1897Liverpool, Engeland
21 months
elder brother
13 months
elder brother
23 months
elder brother
Cornelius George Shipkas Wiebenga
Birth: November 20, 1895 57 31Liverpool, Engeland
Death: February 1900Liverpool, Engeland
2 years
elder brother
Joseph Naylor Wiebenga
Birth: February 1898 59 34Liverpool, Engeland
Death: before 1901Liverpool, Engeland
11 months
elder brother
Thomas J.N. Wiebenga
Birth: 1898 59 34Liverpool, Engeland
Death: February 1899Liverpool, Engeland
14 months
elder sister
Lumina Wilhelmina Catherine Wiebenga
Birth: February 23, 1899 60 35Liverpool, Engeland
Death: 1976Blackpool & Fylde, Lancashire, Engeland
3 years
Gertrude Kate Elisabeth Wiebenga
Birth: January 30, 1902 63 38Liverpool, Engeland
Death: August 1993Blackpool & Fylde, Lancashire, Engeland
Father’s family with Emma Howell - View this family
Emma Howell
Birth: 1850Ruislip, Middlesex, Engeland
Death: before 1888Liverpool, Engeland
Marriage: November 1870Liverpool
Family with Cyril Pickard - View this family
Cyril Pickard
Birth: August 2, 1898Fylde, Lancashire, Engeland
Death: May 1983Blackpool & Fylde, Lancashire, Engeland
Gertrude Kate Elisabeth Wiebenga
Birth: January 30, 1902 63 38Liverpool, Engeland
Death: August 1993Blackpool & Fylde, Lancashire, Engeland
Marriage: February 1923Fylde, Lancashire, Engeland