Bertus PosthumusAge: 26 years1904–1931
- Name
- Bertus Posthumus
- Given names
- Bertus
- Surname
- Posthumus
Birth | June 11, 1904 35 32 |
Birth of a sister | IJetje Cornelia Posthumus February 4, 1906 (Age 19 months) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Betske Douwes Neij July 29, 1907 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a brother | Arend Douwe Posthumus February 28, 1909 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a brother | Jitze Posthumus September 4, 1914 (Age 10 years) Note: Ongehuwd
Death of a mother | Elisabeth Barf January 27, 1920 (Age 15 years) Address: Academisch Ziekenhuis Note: Wonende te Nes, gemeente Ameland.
Occupation | Electricien |
Death | May 27, 1931 (Age 26 years) Note: Ongehuwd
Last change | July 30, 2019 – 20:00:02 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Jitze Posthumus Birth: August 22, 1868 39 37 — Nes, Ameland Death: November 26, 1940 — Den Haag |
mother |
Elisabeth Barf Birth: October 30, 1871 51 34 — Hollum Death: January 27, 1920 — Groningen |
Marriage: October 13, 1894 — Ameland |
10 months elder brother |
Jitze Posthumus Birth: August 4, 1895 26 23 — Nes, Ameland Death: September 4, 1914 — Nes, Ameland |
14 months elder brother |
Gerrit Posthumus Birth: October 7, 1896 28 24 — Nes, Ameland Death: July 6, 1979 — Goes |
2 years elder brother |
Jan Posthumus Birth: October 2, 1898 30 26 — Nes, Ameland Death: April 14, 1972 — Nes, Ameland |
3 years elder brother |
Levenloos jongetje Posthumus Birth: February 12, 1902 33 30 — Nes, Ameland Death: February 12, 1902 — Nes, Ameland |
2 years himself |
Bertus Posthumus Birth: June 11, 1904 35 32 — Nes, Ameland Death: May 27, 1931 — Leeuwarden |
20 months younger sister |
IJetje Cornelia Posthumus Birth: February 4, 1906 37 34 — Nes, Ameland Death: March 15, 1984 — Assen |
3 years younger brother |
Arend Douwe Posthumus Birth: February 28, 1909 40 37 — Nes, Ameland Death: October 8, 1982 — Leeuwarden |
Death | Ongehuwd |