Simon Pieter GorterAge: 62 years1906–1969
- Name
- Simon Pieter Gorter
- Given names
- Simon Pieter
- Surname
- Gorter
Birth | August 22, 1906 40 40 |
Birth of a brother | Jacob Gorter February 8, 1909 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a sister | Tiete Gorter December 9, 1910 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Rinske Jobs Visser July 22, 1911 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Jacob Jurjens Bleeker January 17, 1913 (Age 6 years) |
Civil marriage | Wilhelmina Francina Schuur — View this family May 12, 1937 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a mother | Seijke Bleeker June 20, 1943 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a wife | Wilhelmina Francina Schuur January 25, 1950 (Age 43 years) |
Death of a father | Douwe Gorter January 7, 1953 (Age 46 years) |
Occupation | Gemeenteontvanger |
Death | January 6, 1969 (Age 62 years) |
Last change | January 2, 2023 – 19:18:30 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Douwe Gorter Birth: September 20, 1865 43 30 — Hollum Death: January 7, 1953 — Hollum |
mother |
Seijke Bleeker Birth: May 15, 1866 41 36 — Hollum Death: June 20, 1943 — Hollum |
Marriage: March 22, 1900 — Ameland |
11 months elder sister |
Trijntje Gorter Birth: March 1, 1901 35 34 — Hollum Death: August 7, 1981 — Heiloo |
15 months elder brother |
Klaas Gorter Birth: May 17, 1902 36 36 — Hollum Death: April 16, 1987 — Hollum |
18 months elder sister |
Rinske Gorter Birth: November 28, 1903 38 37 — Hollum Death: April 10, 1982 — Hollum |
17 months elder sister |
Antje Gorter Birth: May 13, 1905 39 38 — Hollum Death: May 18, 1978 — Hollum |
15 months himself |
Simon Pieter Gorter Birth: August 22, 1906 40 40 — Hollum Death: January 6, 1969 — Hollum |
3 years younger brother |
Jacob Gorter Birth: February 8, 1909 43 42 — Hollum Death: June 4, 1994 — Harlingen |
22 months younger sister |
Tiete Gorter Birth: December 9, 1910 45 44 — Hollum Death: October 11, 1993 — Hollum |
Family with Wilhelmina Francina Schuur |
himself |
Simon Pieter Gorter Birth: August 22, 1906 40 40 — Hollum Death: January 6, 1969 — Hollum |
wife |
Wilhelmina Francina Schuur Birth: October 31, 1905 — Veendam Death: January 25, 1950 — Hollum |
Marriage: May 12, 1937 — Veendam |