Eeuwe de LeeuwAge: 3 months1865–1865
- Name
- Eeuwe de Leeuw
- Given names
- Eeuwe
- Surname
- de Leeuw
Birth | August 8, 1865 29 27 |
Death | November 18, 1865 (Age 3 months) |
Last change | May 20, 2020 – 12:21:43 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Dirk Eeuwes de Leeuw Birth: June 8, 1836 34 33 — Hollum Death: February 23, 1882 — "op reis van Indië naar Nederland" |
mother |
Fopke Jans IJnsen Birth: May 10, 1838 29 25 — Hollum Death: February 14, 1924 — Ballum |
Marriage: November 30, 1864 — Ameland |
8 months himself |
Eeuwe de Leeuw Birth: August 8, 1865 29 27 — Hollum Death: November 18, 1865 — Hollum |
5 years younger brother |
Johannes de Leeuw Birth: August 6, 1870 34 32 — Hollum Death: September 28, 1888 — Gibraltar |
15 months younger brother |
Jan de Leeuw Birth: November 15, 1871 35 33 — Hollum Death: September 26, 1959 — Egmond aan Zee |
younger brother |
Eeuwe Dirk de Leeuw Birth: November 15, 1871 35 33 — Hollum Death: July 3, 1872 — Hollum |
17 months younger brother |
Dirk de Leeuw Birth: April 8, 1873 36 34 — Hollum Death: July 9, 1873 — Hollum |
2 years younger sister |
Sjoukje de Leeuw Birth: July 25, 1875 39 37 — Hollum Death: October 28, 1911 — Amsterdam |
3 years younger sister |
Johanna de Leeuw Birth: August 26, 1878 42 40 — Hollum Death: August 27, 1965 — Hollum |
Mother’s family with Rinze Botes Zwart |
step-father |
Rinze Botes Zwart Birth: August 9, 1833 24 24 — Hollum Death: April 20, 1901 — Hollum |
mother |
Fopke Jans IJnsen Birth: May 10, 1838 29 25 — Hollum Death: February 14, 1924 — Ballum |
Marriage: November 21, 1883 — Ameland |