Hendrikje Gerrits PatrouiljeAge: 78 years1868–1946
- Name
- Hendrikje Gerrits Patrouilje
- Given names
- Hendrikje Gerrits
- Surname
- Patrouilje
Birth | February 4, 1868 |
Death of a sister | Grietje Gerrits Patrouilje March 5, 1946 (Age 78 years) |
Death | April 9, 1946 (Age 78 years) Note: Ongehuwd
Last change | June 11, 2020 – 14:06:52 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
elder sister |
Grietje Gerrits Patrouilje Birth: October 6, 1862 — Holwerd Death: March 5, 1946 — Rotterdam |
2 years elder sister |
Johanna Gerrits Patrouilje Birth: February 6, 1865 — Holwerd Death: February 7, 1955 — Hollum |
3 years herself |
Hendrikje Gerrits Patrouilje Birth: February 4, 1868 — Holwerd Death: April 9, 1946 — Hollum |
Death | Ongehuwd |