Catharina “Cathari” LaskewitzAge: 28 years1964–1993
- Name
- Catharina “Cathari” Laskewitz
- Given names
- Catharina
- Surname
- Laskewitz
- Nickname
- Cathari
Birth | July 31, 1964 27 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Adrianus Marinus Bunicich January 24, 1968 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Trijntje Gorter January 21, 1971 (Age 6 years) |
Death | February 4, 1993 (Age 28 years) |
Last change | September 7, 2020 – 19:03:44 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Private |
mother |
Giovanna Petronella “Joke” Bunicich Birth: August 27, 1936 41 36 — Hollum Death: November 8, 2019 — Stiens |
brother |
Private |
herself |
Catharina “Cathari” Laskewitz Birth: July 31, 1964 27 — Leeuwarden (vermoedelijk) Death: February 4, 1993 — Leeuwarden |
sister |
Private |
Family with Private |
husband |
Private |
herself |
Catharina “Cathari” Laskewitz Birth: July 31, 1964 27 — Leeuwarden (vermoedelijk) Death: February 4, 1993 — Leeuwarden |