Amelanders - Ontdek uw Amelander voorouders

Gijsbert Dirks de GrootAge: 20 days18241824

Gijsbert Dirks de Groot
Given names
Gijsbert Dirks
de Groot
Birth February 11, 1824 42 33
Birth of a brotherDirk Dirks de Groot
February 11, 1824
Birth of a brotherJeppe Dirks de Groot
February 11, 1824
Death of a brotherJeppe Dirks de Groot
February 17, 1824 (Age 6 days)
Death of a brotherDirk Dirks de Groot
March 2, 1824 (on the date of death)
Death March 2, 1824 (Age 20 days)
Last change March 9, 201912:47:03

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1812London, Engeland
18 months
elder sister
15 months
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
21 months
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
Hidde Dirks de Groot
Birth: September 24, 1819 37 28Hollum
Death: February 7, 1824Hollum
3 years
elder brother
Dirk Dirks de Groot
Birth: January 12, 1823 41 32Hollum
Death: March 11, 1823Hollum
13 months
twin brother
Dirk Dirks de Groot
Birth: February 11, 1824 42 33Hollum
Death: March 2, 1824Hollum
twin brother
Jeppe Dirks de Groot
Birth: February 11, 1824 42 33Hollum
Death: February 17, 1824Hollum
Gijsbert Dirks de Groot
Birth: February 11, 1824 42 33Hollum
Death: March 2, 1824Hollum
14 months
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
Dirk Dirks de Groot
Birth: June 14, 1831 49 40Hollum
Death: March 15, 1836Hollum
5 years
younger sister