Amelanders - Ontdek uw Amelander voorouders

Trientje Ulukje de BoerAge: 12 days19021902

Trientje Ulukje de Boer
Given names
Trientje Ulukje
de Boer
Birth May 3, 1902 34 35
Death of a motherTrientje Ulukje Mellema
May 7, 1902 (Age 4 days)
Cause: Complicaties na een bevalling
Death May 15, 1902 (Age 12 days)
Last change March 9, 201912:47:13

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 24, 1891Ameland
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
Levenloos meisje de Boer
Birth: March 5, 1894 25 26Hollum
Death: March 5, 1894Hollum
3 years
elder brother
Levenloos jongetje de Boer
Birth: October 27, 1896 28 29Hollum
Death: October 27, 1896Hollum
13 months
elder brother
22 months
elder sister
3 years
Trientje Ulukje de Boer
Birth: May 3, 1902 34 35Hollum
Death: May 15, 1902Hollum