Gerrit Foekes KosterAge: 61 years1804–1865
- Name
- Gerrit Foekes Koster
- Given names
- Gerrit Foekes
- Surname
- Koster
Birth | July 27, 1804 60 44 |
Baptism | August 19, 1804 (Age 23 days) Religion: NH |
Death of a father | Foeke Foppes Koster about 1809 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Geert Martens Sparrius October 5, 1810 (Age 6 years) |
Civil marriage | Hebeltje Dirks de Vries — View this family October 21, 1830 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Dirk Gerrits Koster November 9, 1830 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a sister | Janke Foekes Koster February 13, 1835 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a wife | Hebeltje Dirks de Vries April 12, 1835 (Age 30 years) |
Civil marriage | Anna Catharina Joosten — View this family January 19, 1837 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a sister | Tolkje Foekes Koster July 6, 1837 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Frans Gerrits Koster October 24, 1837 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Foeke Gerrits Koster May 7, 1839 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a son | Dirk Gerrits Koster November 30, 1840 (Age 36 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Martje Gerrits Koster February 9, 1841 (Age 36 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Anna Catharina Koster June 11, 1843 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Margaretha Antonia Koster October 12, 1845 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a brother | Jan Foekes Koster June 17, 1847 (Age 42 years) Note: Ongehuwd
Death of a half-sister | Saakjen Foekes Koster July 15, 1847 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a wife | Anna Catharina Joosten May 31, 1848 (Age 43 years) |
Death of a daughter | Margaretha Antonia Koster January 4, 1851 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a mother | Martje Geerts Sparrius February 17, 1856 (Age 51 years) |
Death of a brother | Geert Foekes Koster July 10, 1858 (Age 53 years) Note: Ongehuwd
Marriage of a child | Ailje Gerrits van Tuinen — Martje Gerrits Koster — View this family Type: Civil marriage July 21, 1864 (Age 59 years) |
Occupation | Zeeman |
Death | October 24, 1865 (Age 61 years) |
Last change | June 10, 2021 – 19:44:45 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Foeke Foppes Koster Baptism: October 13, 1743 — Ballum Death: about 1809 — Ballum |
mother |
Martje Geerts Sparrius Christening: March 9, 1760 29 — Ballum Death: February 17, 1856 — Ballum |
Marriage: June 13, 1784 — Ballum |
2 months elder brother |
Foppe Foekes Koster Birth: August 25, 1784 40 24 — Ballum Death: |
23 months elder brother |
Jan Foekes Koster Birth: July 29, 1786 42 26 — Ballum Death: June 17, 1847 — Ballum |
3 years elder brother |
Barent Foekes Koster Birth: January 15, 1789 45 28 — Ballum Death: |
3 years elder brother |
Geert Foekes Koster Birth: December 18, 1791 48 31 — Ballum Death: July 10, 1858 — Ballum |
4 years elder sister |
Janke Foekes Koster Birth: July 23, 1795 51 35 — Ballum Death: February 13, 1835 — Ballum |
3 years elder sister |
Tolkje Foekes Koster Birth: May 19, 1798 54 38 — Ballum Death: July 6, 1837 — Ballum |
6 years himself |
Gerrit Foekes Koster Birth: July 27, 1804 60 44 — Ballum Death: October 24, 1865 — Ballum |
Father’s family with Aaltje Pieters … |
father |
Foeke Foppes Koster Baptism: October 13, 1743 — Ballum Death: about 1809 — Ballum |
step-mother |
Aaltje Pieters … Birth: Death: before 1777 — Ballum |
Marriage: December 14, 1768 — Ballum |
11 months half-brother |
Foppe Foekes Koster Baptism: November 5, 1769 26 — Ballum Death: before August 25, 1784 — Ballum |
4 years half-sister |
Trijnke Foekes Koster Baptism: April 25, 1773 29 — Ballum Death: |
Father’s family with Grietje Joostens Hekker |
father |
Foeke Foppes Koster Baptism: October 13, 1743 — Ballum Death: about 1809 — Ballum |
step-mother |
Grietje Joostens Hekker Baptism: September 13, 1750 — Hollum Death: February 1783 — Ballum |
Marriage: February 6, 1777 — Ballum |
9 months half-brother |
Gerrit Foekes … Birth: November 1, 1777 34 27 — Ballum Death: before 1804 |
2 years half-sister |
Saakjen Foekes Koster Birth: November 14, 1779 36 29 — Ballum Death: before June 8, 1781 — Ballum |
19 months half-sister |
Saakjen Foekes Koster Birth: June 8, 1781 37 30 — Ballum Death: July 15, 1847 — St. Jacobiparochie |
20 months half-sister |
Grietje Foekes Koster Birth: February 4, 1783 39 32 — Ballum Death: |
Family with Hebeltje Dirks de Vries |
himself |
Gerrit Foekes Koster Birth: July 27, 1804 60 44 — Ballum Death: October 24, 1865 — Ballum |
wife |
Hebeltje Dirks de Vries Birth: December 1, 1806 32 27 — Ballum Death: April 12, 1835 — Ballum |
Marriage: October 21, 1830 — Ameland |
1 month son |
Dirk Gerrits Koster Birth: November 9, 1830 26 23 — Ballum Death: November 30, 1840 — Ballum |
Family with Anna Catharina Joosten |
himself |
Gerrit Foekes Koster Birth: July 27, 1804 60 44 — Ballum Death: October 24, 1865 — Ballum |
wife |
Anna Catharina Joosten Birth: October 3, 1808 28 25 — Amsterdam Death: May 31, 1848 — Ballum |
Marriage: January 19, 1837 — Ameland |
9 months son |
Frans Gerrits Koster Birth: October 24, 1837 33 29 — Ballum Death: January 22, 1890 — Nes, Ameland |
18 months son |
Foeke Gerrits Koster Birth: May 7, 1839 34 30 — Ballum Death: November 23, 1894 — Ballum |
21 months daughter |
2 years daughter |
Anna Catharina Koster Birth: June 11, 1843 38 34 — Ballum Death: March 16, 1886 — Ballum |
2 years daughter |
Margaretha Antonia Koster Birth: October 12, 1845 41 37 — Ballum Death: January 4, 1851 — Ballum |