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Petrus Antonius KruizeAge: 85 years18691955

Petrus Antonius Kruize
Given names
Petrus Antonius
Also known as
Petrus Kruijzen of Kruijze
Birth May 14, 1869
Birth of a son
Petrus Antonius Mari “Pieter” Kruize
April 7, 1895 (Age 25 years)
Note: Petrus werd erkend en gewettigd bij het huwelijk van zijn ouders op 7 augustus 1895.
Civil marriageIJtske MolenaarView this family
August 7, 1895 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
Simon Roelof Kruize
August 19, 1896 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
Klaas Jacobus Kruize
January 1, 1898 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Jan Kruize
June 1, 1900 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Klaaske Kruize
July 15, 1903 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
Johan Catharinus Kruize
January 14, 1912 (Age 42 years)
Marriage of a childPetrus Antonius Mari “Pieter” KruizeMensje van OostenView this family
Type: Civil marriage
March 21, 1919 (Age 49 years)
DivorceIJtske MolenaarView this family
October 5, 1920 (Age 51 years)
Bootwerker, matroos, tweede stuurman

Employer: Batavier Lijn
Tweede huwelijk June 15, 1921 (Age 52 years)
Note: Petrus hertrouwt met Ann Eliza Whitaker (1883-1955).
Marriage of a childJan KruizeMaatje Jacoba van VelzenView this family
Type: Civil marriage
October 3, 1923 (Age 54 years)
Marriage of a childAdriaan WeststrateKlaaske KruizeView this family
Type: Civil marriage
April 21, 1926 (Age 56 years)
Marriage of a childJan KruizeWillemina Cornelia de KnegtView this family
Type: Civil marriage
January 22, 1930 (Age 60 years)
Marriage of a childKlaas Jacobus KruizeKaatje van HeelsbergenView this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 18, 1932 (Age 63 years)
Marriage of a childSimon Roelof KruizePieternella VerhageView this family
Type: Civil marriage
October 4, 1933 (Age 64 years)
Marriage of a childJohan Catharinus KruizeCatharina Geertruida de SainView this family
Type: Civil marriage
July 17, 1935 (Age 66 years)
Death of a wifeIJtske Molenaar
January 14, 1939 (Age 69 years)
Death January 6, 1955 (Age 85 years)
Last change April 15, 202121:23:27

by: Nynke
Family with parents - View this family
Family with IJtske Molenaar - View this family
Marriage: August 7, 1895Rotterdam
Divorce: October 5, 1920Rotterdam
-4 months
16 months
16 months
2 years
3 years
9 years

Tweede huwelijk

Petrus hertrouwt met Ann Eliza Whitaker (1883-1955).