Johan Catharinus KruizeAge: 68 years1912–1980
- Name
- Johan Catharinus Kruize
- Given names
- Johan Catharinus
- Surname
- Kruize
- Also known as
- Krujize
Birth | January 14, 1912 42 42 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Klaaske Hendriks van der Meij November 17, 1922 (Age 10 years) |
Civil marriage | Catharina Geertruida de Sain — View this family July 17, 1935 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a mother | IJtske Molenaar January 14, 1939 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a father | Petrus Antonius Kruize January 6, 1955 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a brother | Jan Kruize about June 18, 1968 (Age 56 years) |
Death of a brother | Klaas Jacobus Kruize about February 4, 1980 (Age 68 years) Note: De genoemde datum is de datum van de overlijdensaangifte bij de Burgerlijke Stand.
Occupation | Expeditieknecht |
Death | about August 1980 (Age 68 years) |
Last change | December 13, 2024 – 13:02:30 by: Nynke |
Family with parents |
father |
Petrus Antonius Kruize Birth: May 14, 1869 — Leeuwen Death: January 6, 1955 — Schiedam |
mother |
IJtske Molenaar Birth: September 23, 1869 39 27 — Ballum Death: January 14, 1939 — Rotterdam |
Marriage: August 7, 1895 — Rotterdam |
Divorce: October 5, 1920 — Rotterdam |
-4 months elder brother |
Petrus Antonius Mari “Pieter” Kruize Birth: April 7, 1895 25 25 — Rotterdam Death: |
16 months elder brother |
Simon Roelof Kruize Birth: August 19, 1896 27 26 — Rotterdam Death: |
16 months elder brother |
Klaas Jacobus Kruize Birth: January 1, 1898 28 28 — Rotterdam Death: about February 4, 1980 — Rotterdam |
2 years elder brother |
Jan Kruize Birth: June 1, 1900 31 30 — Rotterdam Death: about June 18, 1968 — Rotterdam |
3 years elder sister |
Klaaske Kruize Birth: July 15, 1903 34 33 — Rotterdam Death: |
9 years himself |
Johan Catharinus Kruize Birth: January 14, 1912 42 42 — Rotterdam Death: about August 1980 |
Family with Catharina Geertruida de Sain |
himself |
Johan Catharinus Kruize Birth: January 14, 1912 42 42 — Rotterdam Death: about August 1980 |
wife |
Catharina Geertruida de Sain Birth: December 21, 1913 — Rotterdam Death: |
Marriage: July 17, 1935 — Rotterdam |
Death | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 514 × 384 pixels File size: 59 KB Type: Photo |